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Since 1990 we have been faithfully serving the Lord in Mato Grosso, Brazil.

During this time, we have taught the word of God and led many to personal knowledge and Salvation in Christ, as well as discipled the new believers to help them grow.

In these twenty-seven years of ministry we have planted two churches and a congregation, directed Camp Ministries at Camp Maranatha - the largest Christian camp in the region - worked alongside other missionaries and with local pastors in preaching the gospel,

and started many ministries aimed at reaching men, women, and children for Christ

then helping them mature to be strong in the faith.

We have started two churches in the city of Várzea Grande and have a desire to continue spreading the gospel and planting churches in the twin cities of Cuiabá and Várzea Grande.


One of the oldest and largest Baptist camps in Brazil, started by Robert Doolittle - Peter's Father in 1978.

Peter has been camp director here since 1992.


A new ministry that works with young boys ages 9-15 in a Christian scouting style atmosphere. Our goal with this ministry is to "Train the boys of today to be the men of tomorrow."


We feel that God is calling us to start a training center where locals can be equipped to become pastors and missionaries who will reach their countrymen with the word of the Lord.


About Us

Who are the Doolittles?

Peter was raised on the mission field and returned as a single missionary in 1990, a few years later he met the love of his life Zirlene and the two were married in 1993.

They have been serving the Lord

together ever since.


In 2001 their first son, Stanley was born followed three years later

by his brother Kevin.


The entire family has taken up the mantel of missions and has been faithfully working for God these many years.


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